Stem Cell Support

Stem Cell Support

TDNA1500™ is a dietary supplement, formulated with Astragalus Root Extract an ingredient known to have a Telomerase activator, the binding protein that helps in lengthening telomeres. Also included in our formula is the Blue-Green Algae, the discovery of this ancient strain of Blue-Green micro-algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) has led to a new super food that contains more protein and chlorophyll than any other food source and is also believed to be a factor in the release of stem cells. TDNA1500™ also contains a rich source of Resveratrol, known for its anti-aging properties an antioxidant by excellence.

Main Ingredients: Vitamin A, Niacimide, Astragalus Root Extract (70%), Resveratrol (95%), DHEA, Moringa, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), CoenzymeQ10, Olive Leaf Extract, Black Pepper extract, Green Tea (50% polyphenols), Hyaluronic Acid, Lecithin, Phosphatidylcholine.

Telomeres are the ends of the chromosomes, and they protect the integrity of the genes that are on our chromosomes. Telomerase is active before birth when cells are dividing rapidly. The telomeres degrade over time, leading cells to age and eventually stop dividing. Scientists have shown that by adding telomerase to human cells can extend their lifespan indefinitely. Therefore, telomeres have been called the biological clock.

$39 plus shipping.  Call 216-533-2273/ inquire [email protected]

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